Monday, December 21, 2015

The Health Consequences of Periodontal Disease

Unfortunately, many individuals fail to recognize the important role their gums play in maintaining their long-term oral health. Patients who neglect their gum health leave themselves vulnerable to the development of gingivitis and eventually periodontal disease. While easily preventable, this condition can quickly cause extensive damage to the gums and underlying bone, putting teeth at risk as well.

Additionally, recent studies have pointed to a link between periodontal disease and a number of other secondary health concerns. These correlations indicate long-term consequences of periodontal disease, including elevated risk of:

Periodontal disease can be considered a complication of diabetes, as patients with the condition are much more susceptible to infection. On the other hand, periodontal disease makes it difficult for diabetic patients to control their blood sugar, exacerbating their condition and increasing the likelihood of developing other diabetes complications.

Cardiovascular Disease
Recent studies have indicated that the development of periodontal disease may increase the likelihood of developing heart disease. Additionally, gum disease may worsen existing heart problems, putting patients at a greater risk of further complications, such as strokes and heart attacks.

Periodontal disease may also have a negative impact on expectant mothers. The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can not only increase the risk of accelerated plaque buildup, but may also exacerbate symptoms, making it harder for expectant mothers to keep their smiles healthy. Gum disease may also increase the likelihood of premature or other high-risk deliveries.

Treating Periodontal Disease in Sunnyvale

When considering the relationship between periodontal disease and other health issues, it is important to remember correlation does not always equal causation. However, these studies do emphasize the importance role that oral health plays in maintaining your overall well being. 

At the Sunnyvale dental office of Dr. Ratna Indah, we offer comprehensive periodontal disease treatment and long-term maintenance plans. For more information about the relationship between your smile and your body and on treating periodontal disease, schedule your next dental appointment with our Sunnyvale dentist today. 

Monday, December 14, 2015

Modern Dental Care: A New Approach to Oral Health

Advances in modern dentistry are helping to transform once extensive procedures into minimally invasive treatments that improves the patient experience and contribute to long-term oral health and dental function. Similarly, new studies are providing dentists with new perspectives on dentistry, allowing them to create treatment plans that contribute to a patient’s overall wellness, rather than just their smile. By integrating new technologies and approaches into routine procedures, patients are able to enjoy comprehensive care that yields lasting results. Some of these more innovative techniques include:

Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation

Pioneered by John Chao, DDS, this minimally-invasive technique represents a new approach to tackling gum recession. Traditionally, gum grafting required donor tissue to be removed from the roof of the mouth then sutured into place in the affected area. With the Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique, a small pinhole is made in the gums, through which a specialized tool is used to aesthetically reposition the tissue along the original gum line. Once gums have been corrected, strips of collagen are used to preserve the new placement and patients are free to return to their regular routine. With the Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique, patients experience incredible, long-lasting results and maximized post-procedure comfort.

Ozone Dentistry

Ozone dentistry refers to the use of oxygen with an extra molecule to restore oral health by applying it to affected parts of the dentition as either a gas or liquid. With the sterilization properties of ozone, this dental therapy can be integrated into a variety of procedures in order to remove bacteria. Some examples of ozone application include:
  • Removing cavity-causing bacteria and preparing a damaged tooth for successful composite filling
  • Treating gum disease by destroying the periodontal bacteria
  • Sterilizing root canals during root canal therapy
  •  Promoting accelerated healing 
  • Reducing dental sensitivity

Laser Dentistry

Similar to ozone dentistry and the pinhole surgical technique, this treatment methodology minimizes treatment discomfort and promotes healing. This form of dentistry utilizes light energy to detect the presence of caries-causing bacteria, allowing dentists to immediately address potential cavities before they can cause damage. Soft tissue lasers may also be used to treat periodontal disease by removing bacteria from periodontal pockets below the gum line. Not only does this leave patients with a healthier smile, but it also helps to lower to risk of recurring infection that can take place when bacteria is not effectively removed.

Innovative Dentistry with Dr. Indah

At our Sunnyvale dental office, Dr. Indah is proud to offer a number of modern procedures that utilize these advanced tools and technologies in order to improve your long term oral function and overall health. For more information about our holistic approach to dental health, contact our Sunnyvale dentist today.